32200 Series

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32200 Series

32200 Series

  • 32200 Series
  • 32200 Series

Tapered roller bearings are one of the most widely used types of roller bearings in industry. They are characterized by their ability to handle a combination of radial and axial loads simultaneously. This makes them ideal for heavy-duty applications, such as in the automotive and construction industries.

ShangHai SNZ Bearing mainly offers tapered roller bearings as follows:

Metric series

Inch series

Seals type available

selectInquiryDesignationPrincipal dimensions(mm)Basic load ratings(KN) PuSpeed ratings(rpm) Weight(Kg)ISO335 Dimensions (mm) Abutment and fillet dimensions (mm) Value
d1DBdyc(Cr)stc(Cor)Speed RatingsLimiting SpeedDimensions (ABMA)dd1~BCr1,2(min)r3,4(min)ada(max)db(min)Da(min)Da(max)Db(min)Ca(min)Cb(min)ra(max)rb(max)eYYo
32236J2 180 320 91 1010 1630 150 1400 1900 29,5 4GD 180 247 86 71 5 4 78 204 200 267 303 303 10 20 4 3 0,44 1,35 0,8
32240J2 200 360 104 1210 2000 180 1300 1700 42,5 3GD 200 274 98 82 5 4 83 231 220 302 343 340 11 22 4 3 0,4 1,5 0,8
32244J2 220 400 114 1610 2700 232 1100 1500 60,0 - 220 306 108 90 5 4 95 253 242 334 383 379 13 24 4 3 0,43 1,4 0,8
32248J3 240 440 127 1790 3350 275 1000 1400 83,5 - 240 346 120 100 5 4 105 290 262 365 420 415 13 27 4 3 0,43 1,4 0,8
32252J2/HA1 260 480 137 2200 3650 300 900 1200 105 - 260 366 130 106 6 5 112 303 286 401 458 454 16 31 5 4 0,43 1,4 0,8
32260J2/HA1 300 540 149 2750 4750 365 800 1100 140 - 300 413 140 115 6 5 126 343 326 453 518 511 17 34 5 4 0,43 1,4 0,8

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